
They are hardy and need minimal care, producing 50-200 coconunts per tree.


Choose coconuts that are heavy for their size and without soft or moldy spots on the eyes. The coconut may contain liquid that can be heard when it is shaken.

Harvesting Fallen Coconuts

Coconuts fall out of trees at all stages of maturity, and there’s nothing wrong with picking them off the ground. Do a quick inspection first. If you’re picking up immature coconuts for their water, smell them. If they smell fermented, toss them away. Likewise, look for cracks in the skin of the coconut. If it’s cracked from the fall, don’t waste your time. Chances are the water has already drained out.

When harvesting mature fallen coconuts (those with tough brown shells), again perform a sniff test and toss any with a suspicious smell. Disregard those with roots or shoots.



Store unopened coconuts at room temperature for up to two months. Once opened, refrigerate in a plastic bag for up to one week.


Cholesterol free, very low sodium, good source of fiber.

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