

Select tubers that are firm and unblemished with a slightly silky sheen.


Arrowroots can be stored for up to 2 weeks in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.


Fat free, saturated fat free, cholesterol free, low in sodium, and an excellent source of folate.

7 major health benefits that are little known:

  1. Builds healthy cells. The protein in arrowroot supports the building of healthy cells, tissues and organs.
  2. Balances blood sugar. Protein is a nutritional component that keeps blood sugar balanced by slowing the digestion of the food you eat.
  3. Helps maintain healthy cells and DNA. Folate is the nutrient that supports this, particularly in the cells of the nervous system. Folate also helps with protein metabolism.
  4. Supports your immune system. The antioxidants contained in arrowroot neutralize free radicals, prevent damage to your cells and help to keep your immune system healthy.
  5. Helps to maintain a healthy nervous system, healthy metabolism and enzyme production and more – because of the plentiful amount of B-complex vitamins:
    1. a. Riboflavin (B2) helps skin, hair, nails, vision and healthy growth.
    2. b. Niacin (B3) helps transform food into usable energy for the body.
    3. c. Thiamine (B1) promotes healthy digestion.
    4. d. Pyridoxine (B6) helps with the cardiovascular system, as well as the nervous system.
    5. e. Pantothenic acid (B5) helps with metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrates.
  6.  Maintains healthy blood cells and circulation, proper fluid balance, supports collagen production in connective tissue, and more. All are related to the incredible mineral content:
    1. a. Copper and iron – two very important components of healthy blood cells. They help with the body’s blood circulation and energy by delivering nutrients to the cells and organs, including the brain.
    2. b. Manganese – an important component of collagen which is found in your hair, skin, nails and bones. Also helps control blood sugar.
    3. c. Zinc – helps maintain the body’s immune system, and stimulates many of the body’s enzyme reactions.
    4. d. Potassium – important in helping the body maintain proper fluid balance and supports healthy heart rate and blood pressure.
    5. e. Phosphorous – is beneficial for the kidneys and for healthy nerve function. Also combines with calcium to build strong bones.
    6. f. Magnesium – supports healthy nerve and muscle functioning, builds and maintains strong bones and helps keep the immune system at peak performance.
    7. g. Selenium – an antioxidant that helps vitamins C and E by working to regenerate those nutrients.
  7.  Contains a form of starch that helps the body maintain optimal pH balance. Having a healthy pH balance is very important for many reasons. Your body has a tolerance for a certain pH range. Optimally, the pH balance should be towards alkaline end of the range. When the balance shifts towards the acidic end of the range, it becomes a very unhealthy situation. Recent medical research is showing that cancer cells thrive and reproduce in an acidic environment, and will perish in an alkaline environment. Good reason to maintain an slightly alkaline pH balance!
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